There have been tens of thousands of films made about love, including Love Actually, The Notebook, Love Jones, and Casablanca. With the 129,864,880 books that have been written, millions of those are about love. But one book that is gaining attention is a new e-book written by Michael Soward. MichaelRead More →

“The Rings of Hesaurun: Book One” by Peter Harrett is a new sci-fi novel which pens a riveting tale of time-travel, aliens, primitive earthlings, people from the present, future, aliens and more such interesting subjects. April 20, 2021: Is it possible to “contain” time to escape the present? Sounds intriguing,Read More →

Neues Buch bietet einen vollig visionaren Blick auf das 21. Jahrhundert. “[..] Vielleicht braucht es in Zeiten, in denen die Menschen die Welt nicht mehr verstehen Denker wie Andreas Herteux, die alles ordnen können [..]” “[..] Es kommt heute selten vor, dass man eine halbwegs plausible Theorie für findet, dieRead More →

Whoever wants to shape the future must know the Homo stimulus Andreas Herteux’s theory of the Homo stimulus provides the basis for understanding human behaviour in the present and future. The world is changing at breakneck speed. No matter whether in the social, political, economic or technological field; the upheavalsRead More →

Captivating and riveting the notable work “The Good Guy She’d Never Date” reads like a young adult diary to get a man’s needs satisfied. Mohammedia, Morocco – January 15, 2020 – The notable Moroccan Author, Hamza El Moutadir, announces the release of his next book, “The Good Guy She’d NeverRead More →

Amanda Irtz gives us a myriad of experiences that offers hope, advice, and strategies to parents raising a child with autism, and a neurotypical developing sibling Lakewood, CO – USA – January 15, 2020 – Amanda Irtz is an assistant principal of a middle school, a single mom of twoRead More →

American Author Offers Guidance in Dealing with Life’s Struggles and Reversing the Course of Depression New Orleans, LA – January 4, 2020 – Author Mickey Bell released his book “Reverse the Course of Depression: The Self-Help Guide to Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression and Living Daily with a SoundRead More →